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Terms of the special offer “Welcome bonus”
1. General provisions
1.1 Only new registered clients can once take part in the special offer “Welcome bonus”.
1.2 In order to take part in the special offer, it is necessary to register on the site, fill in the personal information application form, perform the minimum verification of the profile (telephone number, identity), open a trading account.
1.3 The bonus is available for charging to the following account types: W-PROFI, W-CENT, W-OPTION.
1.4 The Company offers two types of the “Welcome bonus», at choice:
- Deposit-free – equivalent to crediting 10 USD
- Deposit – equivalent to crediting 20 USD under the condition of own deposit from 5USD
1.5 When opening an account in a currency, that differs from USD, an automatic conversion to the account currency will occur, at the Company’s inner rate.
1.6 The bonus activation is possible during 30 days from the moment of registration. Upon this period expiration, the bonus activation is not possible.
2. Conditions for receiving a deposit-free welcome bonus 10 $
2.1 Conform to the requirements, listed in p. 1.1 and 1.2.
2.2 In the special section of the personal cabinet, select a corresponding type of the bonus and perform its activation on the selected account type.
3. Conditions for receiving a deposit welcome bonus 10 $
3.1 Conform to the requirements, listed in p. 1.1 and 1.2.
3.2 Replenish a trading account by the amount from 5 USD.
3.3 In the special section of the personal cabinet, select a corresponding type of the bonus and perform its activation on the selected account type.
4. Terms and regulations of the welcome bonus
4.1 Profit, received as the result of trading on the bonus, is available for withdrawal under the condition of achieving a definite trading amount/ turnover:
4.1.1 On the W-PROFI, W-CENT account – a total, non-hedging amount of closed trading positions should be not less 1,9 standard lots.
4.1.2 On the W-OPTION account – a total turnover of option contracts should be equal or exceed a tenfold amount of the charged bonus.
4.2 Rules of trading on bonus funds correspond to the regulations described in articles 4 and 4 of the Public offer agreement.
4.3 An application for funds withdrawal cannot be drawn up in case of opened positions on the trading account with the bonus.
4.4 4.4 A welcome bonus is not subject to transfer between the trading profile accounts.
5. Additional conditions of a welcome bonus
5.1 Bonus funds can be deducted from the account upon reaching value “funds” of the trading terminal less than 2 USD or this sum equivalent.
5.2 In case of trading with a negative profit on the account with a welcome bonus together with own deposits, the amount of own funds will decrease on the first-priority basis.
5.3 Bonus funds are automatically deducted from an account at the submitting the first application for funds withdrawal.
5.4 The Company is entitled not to charge or to cancel charges at annual interest rate (IR), received at the cost of bonus funds.
5.5 The Company retains the right to annul a welcome bonus, under the condition that the profit, earned above the bonus funds, amounts more than 150%.
5.6 A partnership compensation from the deals, the margin of which was provided with bonus funds, is charged in full amount. The rest of rules correspond to the conditions of the World Forex’s Partnership agreement.
5.7 A bonus-voucher is the Company’s property and can be cancelled at any moment if there are any reasons to presume, that bonus funds are used not according to the intended purpose as well as in case of the Company’s bonus programme misuse, which can be detected by the Company’s specialists. Such misuses may be (including, but not limited by): using a proxy-server when trading on bonus funds; presence of several trading accounts with a related trading strategy, etc. In case of such detections, the profit, derived from using bonus funds, is subject to cancellation.